

This is the second step in the Employee Wizard and displays several tabs (FEIN, Compliance, Employment, Taxes, Status, Scheduling, Pay Other, and Compensation) for recording employee data as it relates to the Company.

Compensation Tab


Select/enter employee data as follows:




PT Effective Date

The date the employee began Part Time employment.

HR tab (Employee Master)

FT Effective Date

The date the employee began Full Time employment.

Last Raise Date

Effective date of the employee’s last raise in pay.

Next Raise Date

Future date when the employee is scheduled to receive a raise in pay.

Last Review Date

The date of the employee’s last pay review.

Next Review Date

The date of the employee’s next pay review.

Hire Date

The date of most recent hire (this date is also used for ”rehire” date as opposed to the original Hire Date).

Employee tab (Employee Master)

Payment Method

How the employee is paid (cash, check or direct deposit).

Payroll tab (Employee Master)

Tax State

The state where the employee’s state tax return is filed.

Suta State

The state to which the employee pays State Unemployment Tax.

Tax Status

Federal tax reporting method (1099, 4806B, subcontractor, etc.).

Payroll Type

Indicates the type of employee pay (Hourly or Salary).

Payroll Cycle

How often payroll is run.

Payroll Rate

The employee’s Regular rate of pay

Regular Hours

The Regular number of hours the employee normally works.


Select  if the employee is eligible to participate in a pension plan (401K, etc.).  This box must be checked even if the employee does not have an active payroll deduction.

Employee Master


Click to store your entries.