

Clicking on the Configuration icon displays the Configuration page.

Using the appropriate tabs, an authorized User may specify Divisional default settings for Training dates and notices, License expiration and renewals, assignable Leave Types, HR-related Look-up Tables, Look-up Config, Benefit Tables and the employee compliance Checklist.


Users can create their own checklists to check off new hire documentation as it is received and add comments as necessary next to each item.

After Division selection, select the Checklist tab to create a new Checklist Item or maintain existing items.

New Checklist Item

There are four fields used in the creation of each checklist item:

1. No is a unique (per division) number up to 10 digits to identify the checklist item.

2. Description describes the check list item (e.g., “Completed W4 form received”).


3. Tab indicates on which tab in the New Hire Checklist (in the Employee Master) the checklist item appears.  You may specify 1, 2 or 3.

Tabs 1 and 2 can display up to 12 items each; Tab 3 is limited to six items.



4. All checklist items have a date field.  Date Required, when selected, enables the date field for the checklist item and requires the checklist user to specify a date when the item is checked off.  

After creating a checklist item, click .  The new item will then be available for use on the specified tab of the New Hire Checklist.

Edit/Delete Checklist Item

When selecting the Checklist tab, the system displays a list of current Checklist Items (if any).  


When editing ( ) or deleting ( ) an item in the list, the system displays an appropriate message where:

Reassign associates the existing data to the edited checklist.

Delete deletes the data associated with the old checklist item.

Cancel resets the item and associated data to its previous state before editing.