Payroll Summary Report



This report provides a one-line summary of hours and earnings for each employee, used for verification of payroll batches that are in a preprocessed state (prefinalization).


The report provides subtotals by Department and Batch and a Grand Total for all Hours/Earnings columns. The hours reported are based on all earnings types for which the Input Text = HOURS as specified on the (Company) Earning Master:


For salaried employees, the Input Text =DOLLARS and, therefore, hours are displayed as “0”. The DOLLARS amount appears in the “Earnings” column under “Regular”.


The "Other" column includes all earnings other then "Regular" and "Overtime".  If there is more than one “Other” earning, each earning appears on a separate row and a subtotal is displayed.

(To view a description of a particular filter, place your cursor over the

desired filter in the image below and left-click with your mouse.)




Sample Report