EEOC Data Report


This report provides employers the Section D Employment Data needed to meet the EEO-1 reporting requirements (Standard Form 100) of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).


The report summarizes the ten EEOC codes by ethnic group, and then by male and female employee within that group and within the specified Division(s). The data may then be transferred to the appropriate areas of the SF100 form.


Terminated employees are not included.  However, if employees are inactive but have no termination date, they are included in the report.


The report may also be run by WC code (Workers Compensation code) by selecting "WC" in the filter.


(To view a description of a particular filter, place your cursor over the desired filter in the image below and left-click with your mouse.)



To use the report for EEOC reporting, the EEOC field in the Employment tab of each employee's Employee@Company page should contain only one the ten EEOC codes used by the EEOC.

1. Executive/Senior Level Officials and Managers

2. First/Mid Level Officials and Managers

3. Professionals

4. Technicians

5. Sales Workers

6. Administrative Support Workers

7. Craft Workers

8. Operatives

9. Laborers and Helpers

10. Service Workers



Sample Report - EEOC filter


Sample Report - WC filter